Health, Care and Wellbeing

Could you benefit from a little support right now?

We have a dedicated Student Support Team at College, who offer help and support to students who may be experiencing difficult/challenging times in their personal worlds.

People seek our team’s support for many reasons such as experiencing:

  • Anxiety, stress and panic attacks
  • Feeling overwhelmed in public settings
  • Low mood
  • Loss and bereavement
  • Disturbing and unwanted thoughts and images
  • Poor sleep
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Identity and self-image issues
  • Abuse/bullying
  • Addictive behaviours (including substance abuse)
  • Past trauma
  • Troublesome repetitive behaviours
  • Self harming
  • Frequent or troublesome issues with anger
  • Concerns about living with physical illness/conditions
  • Housing difficulties/problems at home
  • Financial worries

Our Student Support Team offers mentoring, counselling and safeguarding


Mentoring tends to be the first point of contact normally when accessing our team.

Mentoring offers:

  • A safe space to offload, puzzle over, and work positively toward managing life issues and emotionally upsetting times
  • C Card Scheme
  • Links to health support, social support and primary/secondary care
  • Practical support with housing and financial applications, and travelling to college issues
  • Wellbeing advice including sexual health, self-care themes and self-help information
  • Appropriate advocacy – When a learner may need support linking with other teams/organisations within college and sometimes with external agencies
  • A place to discuss the possibility of a referral to counselling, if counselling has been requested or advised
  • Safety: Mentors will always work to keep students and the community safe and are all fully trained safeguarding staff

To access mentoring at North Notts College, please contact:

Debra Jones – Mentor
01909 504589

Or, call in at the ‘Retreat’ which is our mentor office found on the corridor between the main reception and the Bistro. If the door is closed please knock first and wait, or leave a message at reception for Debra.


Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm. To know more about safeguarding at North Notts College see the North Notts College Safeguarding Information.

The first contact for safeguarding at North Notts College is:

Lynda Christie – Student Services Officer
01909 504778

The safeguarding team can be accessed by:

  • Contacting Lynda directly
  • Email:
  • Or ask for Safeguarding at the College reception desk
  • Or call reception on 01909 504500 and ask for Safeguarding


Counselling offers:

  • Professional counselling – All counsellors have professional membership and follow an ethical code of practice
  • A safe, private and confidential space to explore often deeper, complex or more troublesome issues in a more methodical and structured way
  • Various choices for the student/client to make in how their counselling process progresses and which methods/models work best for each individual (tailored approach)
  • The chance of developing a useful, positive and supportive relationship whilst working through concerns

To access Counselling at North Notts College, please contact:

Debra Jones – Mentor
Call: 01909 504589

Debra manages our counselling waiting list and is a great first contact point. Debra will help to make the decision whether counselling, mentoring or both would be most appropriate and beneficial.

Other referrers for counselling:

If unsure about how to make a mentoring or counselling referral, have a chat with any PT, tutor, or any other support staff including simply enquiring at main reception, and the staff member will refer on your behalf.


In a mental health crisis, at any time, day or night, you can:

  • Contact the NHS Crisis Team on 0808 196 3779 – available to anyone in mental health crisis 24/7 anywhere across the Nottinghamshire area
  • Call 111 (call 999 directly if emergency)
  • Contact GP
  • Go directly to the nearest A&E (Emergency Department)

You can also contact the College Safeguarding Team (in College open hours only if requiring a timely response) by:

– Contacting Lynda directly, on: 01909 504778 or
– Emailing
– Ask for safeguarding at the College reception desk
– Or call reception on 01909 504500 and ask for safeguarding

Try to find a supportive and trusted person to stay with you if possible. Keep talking – talking is good!

Let someone know what is ‘going on’ for you… right now.

Local free Counselling in Worksop

Talkzone at the Centre Place:

Abbey Street Community Centre
Abbey Street
S80 2LA

Aged 11-25

Call: 01909 530943

Excerpt from the Centre Place:

“The Centre Place is a registered charity that was established in 1996, in response to the identified need for a local service focused on homelessness and housing needs for young people. Since then the services we have expanded and developed services to continue to meet local needs. We now offer Talkzone Counselling Service which was developed in 2004, and LGBT+ Service Nottinghamshire which began as W.O.W in 2010 and developed and expanded to become LGBT+ Service Nottinghamshire in 2016.”

Access to external counselling services and other local services outside of college can be found in the RNN Group Welfare Guide to Local & National Services

National free Counselling Services and Talking Services


Kooth is a free, safe and anonymous online chat and emotional wellbeing service for young people aged 11 to 25. This counselling service is free for anyone in the Nottinghamshire area.


Free, safe and anonymous mental wellbeing support for adults across the UK.

This service is available from 18+


To speak to someone call: 116 123 (free from any phone)

Access to external counselling services and other local services outside of North Notts College can be found in the RNN Group Welfare Guide to Local and National Services.