Edward Willey

Protective Services – Edward

27 June 2024

Inspired by a family legacy of service and desire to join the Royal Marines, Edwards found his path in our Protective Services programme. This practical course equips students with fitness training, navigation skills, conflict resolution, and real-world placements, preparing them for rewarding public service careers. Dive deeper into Edward’s experience in the Q&A below.

Why did you choose to study Protective Services?

“I aspire to join the Royal Marines, and the Protective Services course will help me achieve this. I originally started sixth form but I didn’t like it because it was too academic. This course is much more practical and more closely aligned with my career goals.

I want to join the military because of family traditions of service, and I want to be the very best, which is why I want to become a Marine. I see it as a very prestigious role.”

How has the College supported you through your course?

“The college gym has been excellent. It has really helped me to improve my fitness levels in preparation for joining up. The library has helped me with my studies and has specific sections on all the different courses at college.

My tutors have been really encouraging and friendly. They set high standards but always work with us to help us achieve those standards. They are supportive and yet still instil in all the students the necessary behaviours and discipline for public service.”

It’s not like school; everyone wants to be there, and everyone is really friendly.


What placements or trips have you been involved in?

“One of the good things about Protective Services is that you aren’t always in the classroom. We’ve had bigger trips, such as those to RAF Cranwell and Notts Magistrates Court, and I’ve recently spent a week at Chetwynd Barracks for work experience with the British Army.

Within normal lessons, we often go offsite for units such as physical fitness or map reading and navigation, such as recently navigating our own routes around Clumber Park. I really enjoy the fact that I’m not always sitting behind a desk.”

Do you have any advice for someone considering this course?

“Don’t be nervous about making new friends because it’s not like school. It’s not like school; everyone wants to be there, and everyone is really friendly. Be prepared for a good amount of physical activity, not just in the fitness unit but throughout the course. I think having a reasonable level of fitness before you start will really help.”

“You aren’t always in the classroom. We’ve had bigger trips, such as those to RAF Cranwell and Notts Magistrates Court, and I’ve recently spent a week at Chetwynd Barracks for work experience with the British Army.”


What parts of the course have you most enjoyed so far?

“I really enjoyed the physical fitness unit because we had to make our own fitness programme. I also enjoyed map reading and navigation because I got to be outside, and it was very practical as well as a useful skill to have regardless of career. Conflict management was also a highlight, as we got to practice a lot of different techniques and put everything together into a video montage.

The best thing about the course is that it’s so varied and interesting. I’m always learning something new.”

Find out more about courses in Protective Services at North Notts College