Joinery Workshop

The joinery workshop at North Notts College provides you with the perfect environment for you to master your woodworking skills before stepping into industry.

The upper workshop specialises in developing skills in joint techniques and the lower workshop specialises in applying these techniques to advanced site work on projects such as building work on floors, walls and ceilings.


In our dedicated joinery workshop, you will have access to all the tools you will use when you eventually work in industry. These are tools such as; 

  • Cordless drills
  • Power tools
  • Hammers
  • Marking gauges
  • Mallets
  • Tape Measure
  • Chisel 

And much more.

Health and safety

The Joinery workshops are a safe and clean environment, where every student and member of staff undertakes continuous health and safety training. This includes a health and safety induction and training before using specialised equipment and tools.

Students are also expected to wear personal protective equipment (PPE), which includes safety boots and high visibility vests. 

Take a look at the Construction courses that we offer.